AP COUNTDOWN SHOPIFY APPS - JC app set up and implementation services.
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AP COUNTDOWN SHOPIFY APPS . Apps that AP create and JC can install it and setup it for you. We called it JCappsSetup services.
- Encourage customer’s mind to promote purchase before expired.
- Easily create countdown event for each product or chain of products.
- Easily use, attractive and stunning interface to create customer’s attention.
This is the application helping users start the countdown clock to the holidays, birthdays, or special event for your products. It helps pushing the amount of sales and traffic to your store in a short time because the regular customers interested in the products will have intention of tracking back and following the promotional period for their favorite goods. It also motivates customer to buy before expired.
Price: 9USD/month
ราคาซ 9USD/เดือน
- Allowing customers to set a countdown time for whenever they want.
- Running promotion for each products, chain of products or set up for all the products in their collection.
- Easily customizing the content of promotions, owning functions allowing users to change colors, style and showing.
- Conveniently installing, saving time for users.